The Distribute commands will take three or more selected objects and space them evenly horizontally or vertically. Centering Text Vertically Mac OSX Microsoft Word 2011 BEFORE: AFTER: 1 Select the text you want to center between the top and bottom margins.2 On the Layout tab, click the Margins Dialog Box Launcher.3 Select the Custom Margins Dialog Box Launcher.
Author David Posted on JJCategories Blog, Hints Tags center text in table, Center Text Vertically, center text word table, centre my text easier, centre text in word table, centre text in word table easier, correct way centre text word table, How to Center Text Vertically in a Microsoft Word Table without Going Crazy, How to Center Text Vertically Microsoft Word, how to centre text in a word table fast, text not centred vertically word table, text out of align word table. The Align commands let you align the objects to the left, right, top, or bottom edge, or to the horizontal center or vertical middle.